The Fraser Lions Club
Changeover June 2023

The Installation of the Executive for 2023-2024 Lions Year
President 2023-2024
Lion John Herron
Installation Officer
PDG Les Crossman
Secretary Lion Graham Bates
Treasurer David Crowther
Board members: Lions Andy McPhail - Lynne Crossman - Bonnie Fox -
Shona Bates - John Herron - Graham Bates - Sally McPhail - David Crowther
Lion Sally McPhail
Cr Zane O'Keefe:
Guest and Speaker
Awards  For  Outstanding  Service
Andy McPhail
James D Richardson
Shona Bates
Ray Phippard
Graham Bates
Melvin Jones
Dennis Love
Ian Fraser
Bruce Taylor
Melvin Jones
Col Mibus
James D Richardson